Mona & Jason’s Indian wedding – Old Greenwich, Connecticut

When I met Mona and Jason they’d already tied the knot legally and their traditional Indian wedding was a year away. Having grown up with my set of Indian parents it didn’t surprise me at all that it made Mona’s parents happy (or maybe they insisted?) that they took that legal step before they moved in together. I’ve actually known Indian couples that didn’t tell their parents they were living together before they got married! Things are changing, but we Indians can be very traditional and we are big on the BIG Indian wedding. Though they were already married their wedding still had that special feeling that comes with celebrating your marriage with your family and friends watching. They had a fun vibe together that came across beautifully in photos.

Venue: Hyatt Regency, Old Greenwich, Connecticut

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9 Responses to “Mona & Jason’s Indian wedding – Old Greenwich, Connecticut”

  1. Chima says:

    Beautiful pictures! what a nice day….

  2. Chance says:

    Definitely one of my favorite weddings this Summer. Had a great time and Jason and Mona are a beautiful couple!!

  3. Nicole says:

    Love the pictures! Mona and Jay – you guys look awesome 🙂 Congrats again and so glad I could share your special moment with you 🙂

  4. Michelle Chan says:

    Amazing photos!!! congrats Mona and Jay!!!

  5. Excellent photos, good choice of colours by the wedding party.

  6. Pauline says:

    Love the photos, you look gorgeous Mona!

  7. Camilla Patterson says:

    Hi Radhika,

    The pictures are beautiful – vibrant colors, fantastic lighting, and clarity. You have captured wonderful images of a beautiful wedding. Excellent job!

  8. Candice says:

    Amazing pictures! Congratulations to the both of you! 🙂

  9. Brenda Murray says:

    I just wanted to say that Mona & Jay’s pictures look AMAZING!!! I love every single one of them, they are so beautiful and I can’t wait to see the full albums!!

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